Mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome (MMA) in sows, result in direct economic losses due to perinatal and lactation mortality and the increased susceptibility to suffer other diseases, especially digestive as diarrhea caused by E.coli. Indirect losses are also present in this problem. In the post-weaning stage, piglets are found to lack growth and uneven litters. Moreover, it can compromise the sow reproductive future, increase the susceptibility to suffer other opportunistic diseases or even cause the death of the animal.
Anti-inflammatory and antibiotic products are used for the treatment (symptomatic) of this syndrome. Anti-inflammatory products enable to minimize bacterial endotoxin effects. In addition, reduction in mammary and uterine alteration and cystitis are achieved, due to the antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of NSAIDs.
It is notable the use of this anti-inflammatory products together with the antibiotic election treatment, in order to obtain a faster improvement of the animals. The effects on hyperthermia and the appetite of NSAIDs are faster than those of antibiotics, allowing a quicker recovery of food intake, required for lactation.
Mastitis and metritis are not always visible. It is more common to use the term postpartum dysgalactia syndrome (SDPP), leaving the term MMA as a particular form of the SDPP. The SDPP occurs the first week postpartum, especially the first three days. It is a primary cause of neonatal problems. In front of this scene, piglets will get a lower intake than required being more susceptible to diarrhea, starvation, weakness, growth retardation, possible crushing by the mother and mortality. So, it may not be as obvious as MMA syndrome, but it is still a cause of financial loss.
Appropriate management and a proper cleaning and disinfection program will be key for the determination of the presence of this pathology in animals.
In addition, studies indicate that an application of flunixin meglumine in sows with a history of this syndrome at the end of calving implies better daily growth of both the piglet and the litter at weaning.
S.P. Veterinaria offers this type of solutions. Discover more about Fluvex based on flunixin meglumine.
You can also look up our anti-inflammatory solutions for pigs
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